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CLOSE the Gap Accountability Framework

Empower instead of Enable 

Do you have someone on your team who isn't meeting expectations? Perhaps they have a character or competency issue that's concerning, and you're not sure how to approach it?

You're not alone. Many leaders struggle with how to hold their team members accountable in a way that's empowering and not enabling. You might find it especially challenging if you're a leader who is committed to not using shame-based tactics or power plays to "make" someone "get in line."  

You have compassion; however you also have frustration—and probably so does the rest of your team at this point. That means you may be losing credibility as a leader for not addressing these concerns effectively.

This is when Choose People's CLOSE the Gap Accountability Framework is incredibly helpful. It will show you how to kindly and clearly guide your team member from where they are to where you need them to be, as well as significantly reduce the emotional turmoil that can come with these types of conversations.

The 4-page downloadable PDF and exclusive video gives you everything you need, including:  

  • 5 Clear Steps to Effectively Shift a Character or Competency Concern
  • How to Address 3 Common Pitfalls: when they try to blame you, when they react emotionally, and when you're more committed to their success than they are
  • How to Know When to Call It
  • And a bonus Clear Expectations Framework to start the process of  empowering team members in their own performance awareness and self-management

Here's to being a leader who is a bold stand for the success of your team members!